Phase I

During the start of the module I was asked to choose 3 potential topics which would interest me throughout  six months ( 2 terms ). The process of picking a topic included brainstorming and mind mapping, which lead to the potential three topics. The topics are:

  • Cultural Center School of Indigenous Art and Culture
  • Rehabilitation Center for Minor Substance abusers
  • Quality Housing for Construction migrants and families

After the panel deliberation, poll had to be put up in order to pick a potential topic which could be possible within the time frame of  six months.

Facebook – RMIBLR ID 


Facebook – RMIBLR ID – Poll Information


Facebook – RMIBLR ID – Poll – Selection 


After the poll was picked, topic “cultural center – School of indigenous art and culture” was finalized as the potential topic, which lead to the further research.


Project Introduction

According to India’s Eleventh National Development Plan, more the 300 million of poor people in India, where the country has been put an effort to reduce the poverty.

As per article, one of the biggest cause of poverty in India, both individuals and communities, has lack access to productive commodities and financial recourse. Few of things are very common among the poor people, illiteracy, inadequate health care and limited access to social service. The government of India has started many programmers aiming to improve the living of the rural people, but the question is are these people completely aware of it, are these programs actually reaching to the people, are there any chance for any other initiatives.

The project would be about looking at the problems and needs of rural communities in India at a smaller scale. My aim was to choose a place near due to lack of time frame which is  6 months ( where only 3 months are remaining ).

Developing Ideas & Posts

The first step towards developing the idea to choose a topic was brain storming and listing down few topics which interests me.

Hand made

hand -Mindmap

Mind Map

Digital format

The topics were : Social Design , Urban Design, Indigenous design, Health and care and Heritage conservation. These topics were further sub-divided into more general topics which would connect few words to help me in the choosing three topics for the Phase I.

This method helped in connecting certain common words which are related to each other and helped in getting the final three topics.